Saturday, November 26, 2011

The football game, the Play Station, and The World vs The Church

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans" 12:2

In Paul's letter to the Romans the instructions were explicate. "Do not be conformed to this world" be what is acceptable to God. The Church of Rome was in the capital of the known world at that time. Every type of temptation was readily available.

In my opinion the U.S.A. is becoming less Christian and more Roman. Over the last few weeks I have observed to groups of fired up people: College football fans and black Friday shoppers.

I have been bemused by College football fans for many years. Some fans just have a favorite ball team and leave it at that. Others have a more cult like devotion to their team. When the Penn State Head Coach was accused of being part of a cover up of an assistant coach who raped boys some Penn State fans rioted for the coach. The team was more important than victims of horrible crime. The rule of the mob was a defining characteristic of a declining Rome. It is becoming a sign of decline here as well.

I have been shopping on Black Friday and I have seen first hand how rude people can be. Some people hurt others to get the best deal. One woman used pepper spray to get her low priced product. This day is celebrated as a holiday. This also seems very Roman, and very worldly.

In both of these examples both of these Roman like groups are fired up for what they believe in. They are willing to fight for it. I wish more Christians would fight as hard for "what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God". It's not a Play Station 3 or a football game but it is what is most important. Let's remember that.

Peace and Love!

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