Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear brothers and sisters,

Over the past few years I have struggled with an important and key question: Why do some churches succeed in disability ministry while others fail? To answer this question it is important to understand how churches operate and the leadership models they use.

I punched "church management styles" into Google and examined the results. I found a great example of a style of management promoted by a writer knowledgeable in the subject:
“The closest I have come to seeing a perfectly managed organization was on a downtown sidewalk in Visalia, California. There were 20 preschoolers, walking single file and accompanied by 4 teachers—one teacher in front, one at the rear, and one on either side—boxing them in. Down the middle was a rope held by the teachers in front and back. Twenty preschoolers, 10 on each side, held the rope as they walked, talked, laughed, and looked around. It was a perfect system for getting preschoolers in a difficult environment safely from point A to point B, with minimal disturbance.” (Enrichment Journal April 2011)

In the model there is only one definite example of a leader, the person in front. The teachers on the sides and back were managers and may have been leaders. The 20 pre-schoolers in the middle were followers. If a church has between 1 and 4 leaders for every 20 to 23 followers it is a weak and anemic model. Jesus developed leaders.

A Christ centered model develops leaders. In his ministry he developed leaders and taught his leaders to develop leaders.
“The teachers were competent in their task and the kids happy to be led. With everybody going in the same direction, it was management by walking around; all parties had a hands-on relationship to the task. And those who looked on applauded the event with appreciation.” (Enrichment Journal April 2011)

According to Christ we are his sheep and we should have the faith of a child but that is when following God, following him. When he ascended he left us a model for explosively growing ministry. He didn’t want us led around happily by a rope. He wants Christian leaders cultivating Christian leaders. Christ’s model is the perfect model, not the model of preschoolers being led around by a rope.

My favorite definition leadership comes from John C. Maxwell "leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less." (The 21 Irrefutable Laws of leadership) It takes the focus off the leader and put the focus on the effect the leader has on others. Leadership becomes a verb. Leadership at its best is a symbiotic relationship between leaders. Christ is the head and we all have an important role in the body.

The Christ centered model is confident and unafraid. It is a growing model.
“The Law of Explosive Growth- To Add Growth, Lead Followers- To Multiply
Leaders, Lead Leaders.” (John Maxwell)

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) When Jesus said follow me he wanted his disciples be like him , Christian means Christ like. To be Christ like is to be a leader.

“The word "disciple" literally means someone who pledges to be a “learner.” Moreover, it is someone who follows another's teaching, and adheres to it. It is a commitment and a process. It involves commitment, and time to undertake the learning, and, as a Christian, a yearning to imitate Jesus!” (Into thy word 2007 Net Ministry)

Due to the defuse, complex, and difficult nature of disability ministry it requires a Christian leadership to follows Christ’s leadership model.

Peace and Love,