Saturday, November 26, 2011

The football game, the Play Station, and The World vs The Church

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans" 12:2

In Paul's letter to the Romans the instructions were explicate. "Do not be conformed to this world" be what is acceptable to God. The Church of Rome was in the capital of the known world at that time. Every type of temptation was readily available.

In my opinion the U.S.A. is becoming less Christian and more Roman. Over the last few weeks I have observed to groups of fired up people: College football fans and black Friday shoppers.

I have been bemused by College football fans for many years. Some fans just have a favorite ball team and leave it at that. Others have a more cult like devotion to their team. When the Penn State Head Coach was accused of being part of a cover up of an assistant coach who raped boys some Penn State fans rioted for the coach. The team was more important than victims of horrible crime. The rule of the mob was a defining characteristic of a declining Rome. It is becoming a sign of decline here as well.

I have been shopping on Black Friday and I have seen first hand how rude people can be. Some people hurt others to get the best deal. One woman used pepper spray to get her low priced product. This day is celebrated as a holiday. This also seems very Roman, and very worldly.

In both of these examples both of these Roman like groups are fired up for what they believe in. They are willing to fight for it. I wish more Christians would fight as hard for "what [is] that good and acceptable and perfect will of God". It's not a Play Station 3 or a football game but it is what is most important. Let's remember that.

Peace and Love!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only [that], but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:2-6 (NKJV)

In Paul's letter to the Romans he lays out a useful, and essential guide to ministry. We start out with access to God's grace through faith. Then we glory in tribulation. Well maybe after a while.

Disability ministry is all about tribulations. The nature of what we do puts us in a storm. The kids and families we serve suffer. We suffer through them. It's been tough watching kids, moms, dads go through so much. I relive what I have been through with my son, I understand why people are so broken. I have been broken again and again.

"Tribulation produces perseverance" This both takes time and is an on going process. Every day you survive you persevere. This leads to character and then hope
Hope in Christ.

So remember: good disability ministry is always hard. What you go through builds you into who you need to be.

God has a plan for you and he will help you understand it. There is hope.

Peace and Love.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Moving Forward

Hi friends,

There are a lot of things the ministry is working on:
First: We will be helping Access-Life with their outdoors expo/ fair on November 12.

Second: We are having training sessions starting in November. They will be monthly, free and open to all.

Third: The ministry is holding parent support meetings in Volusia and Seminole Counties.

Fourth: We are holding a monthly GF/CF soy free diet group meeting at Whole Foods in Winter Park.

Please contact us if you want to be part of any of these events.

Peace and Love,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

GF/CF diet group meeting.

Join Autism Disability Ministry, Whole Foods, and the vendor of the month for treats, conversation, and fun! We are meeting at Whole Foods in Winter Park on Saturday July 9th from 11am to 12 noon. This is a GF/CF and other special diet meeting. Come and learn about good food. Hope to see you there.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Answers to questions about the onset of autism.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your excellent questions on childhood development. I will try to address them. There are several different issues involved and what I believe is not universally accepted.
1) I believe most autism is caused by a gut injury. When the vaccine injured gut combines with gluten, casien, and/or other substances, it causes an opiate like affect. Andrew had this gut injury reaction after his MMR shot at 2 +3/4.
2) It is difficult to learn under this opiate like affect which accounts for developemental delays.He lost eye contact and speech among other things.
3) The condition also sometimes results in OCD behavior. It did with Andrew.
4) In the case of learning/ develpmental delays. If you combine a special diet (to negate the opiate like affects) and ABA therapy (to force learning) you can help advance the childs development. Andrew had great results from his GF/CF diet and his ABA therapy.
5)This needs to be done at the onset of the gut condition. Andrew's treatment was delayed over a year and we can never get that development back.
6) The longer the delay the treatment the greater developmental delays.
7) If your friend was talking about OCD behavior: than one OCD behavior IS replaced by another.
8) Andrew's OCD behavior was "cured" by his GF/CF diet. Much of his past development could not be recovered but he was/is trained in lost developmental skills going forward.

Hope this was helpful. Don't hesitate to ask more questions. I am very happy to help!

Peace and Love ,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ADM GF/CF Diet Group

Dear brothers and sisters,

When Andrew Jr. started treatment at the age of four, the first thing I did was put him on a Gluten Free, Casein Free (GF/CF) diet. He had great results. He spoke again after a year of sounds and silence. He made eye contact where he didn't before. He had full restful nights of sleep where before he could only sleep 3 or 4 hours at a time. It was a wonderful miracle.

A group parents, with kids on the diet longer, helped us during that difficult time. I want to do that for others. I want to invite veteran diet group parents to gather together and help new families. We will help others like we were helped.

Parents not using the diet, please come check it out.
The info is listed below.

Peace and love,

*******This meeting is for parents (and caregivers) of kids on the GF/CF diet and/or related diets. It is also for anyone who is interested in learning more about special diets. Whole Foods in Winter Park and ADM are hosting. Free samples will be provided.

****ADM GF/CF Diet Group
Location: Whole Foods Market, Winter Park
Time: ‎11:00AM Saturday, May 21st

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear brothers and sisters,

Over the past few years I have struggled with an important and key question: Why do some churches succeed in disability ministry while others fail? To answer this question it is important to understand how churches operate and the leadership models they use.

I punched "church management styles" into Google and examined the results. I found a great example of a style of management promoted by a writer knowledgeable in the subject:
“The closest I have come to seeing a perfectly managed organization was on a downtown sidewalk in Visalia, California. There were 20 preschoolers, walking single file and accompanied by 4 teachers—one teacher in front, one at the rear, and one on either side—boxing them in. Down the middle was a rope held by the teachers in front and back. Twenty preschoolers, 10 on each side, held the rope as they walked, talked, laughed, and looked around. It was a perfect system for getting preschoolers in a difficult environment safely from point A to point B, with minimal disturbance.” (Enrichment Journal April 2011)

In the model there is only one definite example of a leader, the person in front. The teachers on the sides and back were managers and may have been leaders. The 20 pre-schoolers in the middle were followers. If a church has between 1 and 4 leaders for every 20 to 23 followers it is a weak and anemic model. Jesus developed leaders.

A Christ centered model develops leaders. In his ministry he developed leaders and taught his leaders to develop leaders.
“The teachers were competent in their task and the kids happy to be led. With everybody going in the same direction, it was management by walking around; all parties had a hands-on relationship to the task. And those who looked on applauded the event with appreciation.” (Enrichment Journal April 2011)

According to Christ we are his sheep and we should have the faith of a child but that is when following God, following him. When he ascended he left us a model for explosively growing ministry. He didn’t want us led around happily by a rope. He wants Christian leaders cultivating Christian leaders. Christ’s model is the perfect model, not the model of preschoolers being led around by a rope.

My favorite definition leadership comes from John C. Maxwell "leadership is influence - nothing more, nothing less." (The 21 Irrefutable Laws of leadership) It takes the focus off the leader and put the focus on the effect the leader has on others. Leadership becomes a verb. Leadership at its best is a symbiotic relationship between leaders. Christ is the head and we all have an important role in the body.

The Christ centered model is confident and unafraid. It is a growing model.
“The Law of Explosive Growth- To Add Growth, Lead Followers- To Multiply
Leaders, Lead Leaders.” (John Maxwell)

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) When Jesus said follow me he wanted his disciples be like him , Christian means Christ like. To be Christ like is to be a leader.

“The word "disciple" literally means someone who pledges to be a “learner.” Moreover, it is someone who follows another's teaching, and adheres to it. It is a commitment and a process. It involves commitment, and time to undertake the learning, and, as a Christian, a yearning to imitate Jesus!” (Into thy word 2007 Net Ministry)

Due to the defuse, complex, and difficult nature of disability ministry it requires a Christian leadership to follows Christ’s leadership model.

Peace and Love,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms

Questions for 201 Students

For Saturday's 201 students, please answer the following 3 questions:
1. What did you find most helpful in our discussion on Saturday?
2. What "tool" are you most looking forward to focusing on (Communication, Bullies, Siblings & Classmates, Support, Loneliness, etc)?
3. Are there any questions that have come up since the class?
We are looking forward to your responses!
Peace and Love,

201 Class

the 201 (Introduction for Disability Ministry Volunteers) was a great success. Thank you Chris ,Christina, and 1st Baptist Longwood for hosting the event. There were 10 FBLC volunteers and 3 DLBC volunteers. We can't wait to meet again with this group!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


‎3 more days until the 201 class at Longwood Baptist. This is the introductory class for new disability ministry volunteers. We are introducing new material as a solid foundation for the rest of the training. We are giving them "tools" for their trade...foundational elements like communication, dealing with bullies, environmental needs, family impact and the like will all be discussed. We are so excited to empower these volunteers to help children and families!

Peace and Love,

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monthly Gathering

Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.
Matthew 10:40

The gathering for parents and caregivers of children and/ or adults with disabilities was a great success. Thank you Chris, Christina, and Longwood Baptist church for hosting the event. We meet on the third Monday of every month. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

I have been part of a number of support groups and there are a number of aspects about them that I like.

The one aspect I like the most is when a new person joins a "parents of children with disability support group". Often the parent has not had anyone to talk to. Parents coping with disability issues often can only relate to other parents in the same situation. It's inspiring to hear the parents story. Often he/she appears to be shedding the weight of thousand trials as his story is pored out in conversation. The look of relief on a persons face when someone listens and hears about her life illistrates God's love in the world.

Listening actively says to the speaker: You matter, your child matters, your family matters. The world may not think so but we are not the world. We are the Church. Each and every one of us have been created in God's image and he loves each and every one of us.

One of the most loving things we can do is listen. By listening we can affirm God's love.

Peace and Love,

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Advice to Parents Part 6 and 7: Fight and Pray

I will finish off my 7 part "Advice to Parents" by combining the last two parts. In the Bible fighting and praying were one and the same or closely linked among God's people.

"Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Exodus 14:13,14

God delivered his people that day and if you are in need go to your Holy Father for deliverence. Parents with a newly diagnosed child will face many challenges, obsticles, and roadblocks. Fight for your child with everything you have. Keep in mind that the world is strong like the Egyption army. You will need a miracle from God for victory. For me and others I know the road was/ is hard. The ones who come through intact, in most cases, were carried through by faith. Don't give up. Fight and pray. Jesus taught us:

9 “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Luke 11:9,10

This will not happen in our time but in God's time. You are never alone. Stay strong in your faith. Keep fighting and praying.

Peace and Love,


Monday, January 17, 2011

Advice to Parents Part 5: Geography

I'm going to repeat myself on this point. Different states, counties, cities, and towns offer different levels of support for children and families with autism. In short: Do your research and find the best place with the best support. It is important to understand that some states and localities offer lots of support and some offer little or nothing. If you are in Florida and can move, leave now (If you can). Kids with autism in Connecticut (and other northern states) get most of their therapy and education at little or no cost to the parent. The quality of the product is much better. Minnesota, California, Arizona, and most other states are also known for good support. If you must stay in Florida there are ways to get what your child needs but prepare to spend lots of money. The poor and wealthy tend get or buy more services. Middle class people tend to go broke fast. Resourceful people can always find ways but it takes a lot of time and effort. In short: Do your research and make the best geographic choices for you and your family.

Peace and Love,

MLK on the role of the Church.

There was a time when the church was very powerful. It was during that period when the early Christians rejoiced when they were deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed. In those days the church was not merely a thermometer that recorded the ideas and principles of popular opinion; it was a thermostat that transformed the mores of society. Whenever the early Christians entered a town the power structure got disturbed and immediately sought to convict them for being "disturbers of the peace" and "outside agitators." But they went on with the conviction that they were "a colony of heaven," and had to obey God rather than man. They were small in number but big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be "astronomically intimidated." They brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide and gladiatorial contest. - MLK

I found this to be a moving description of the early Church from Martin Luther King.

Peace and Love,


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Vaccines and autism: More info about our story.

I wanted to comment about the latest attack on Dr. Wakefield by a journalist in London. The case was made by Dr. Wakefield that autism in linked to the MMR vaccine. I believe that Dr. Wakefield was partly correct but his focus on the MMR alone has given his detractors an opening to savage him. The latest attack acuses Dr. Wakefield of ignoring previous data from the 12 children in his study. I don't agree with that conclusion. In our own case I believe the MMR was the knock out punch in a series of events that result with the onset autism in Andrew Jr..

Here are some entries in Andrew Jrs. "Growth and development book" that may help you understand.

On the 1/25/02 visit Andrew Jr. was a week old and we had questions about how much to feed him and a heart murmer (it went away).

On 2/22/02 he was 5 weeks old. No concerns were listed. The only note written was "Had Hep B vaccine". The next visit was scheduled for 4/2/02.

We instead went back on 3/21/02. After the Hep B shot Andrew had extreme pain from digestive dificulties . All the notes going forward reflect digestive damage but otherwise he developed normally. When he recieved the MMR at 2 1/2 he imediately had a fevor, lost language and had OCD behavior.

I believe that the first event contributed to the onset of autism in Andrew Jr.

The onset of autism is a complex matter. It appears that the 10 fold increase in vaccinations since 1984 is linked to the massive increase in autism rates over that same period of time.

In Dr. Wakefields case nothing has been proven or disproven. Look at the evidence for yourself. Remember "Educate before you vaccinate".

Peace and Love,
