Monday, May 9, 2011

Answers to questions about the onset of autism.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your excellent questions on childhood development. I will try to address them. There are several different issues involved and what I believe is not universally accepted.
1) I believe most autism is caused by a gut injury. When the vaccine injured gut combines with gluten, casien, and/or other substances, it causes an opiate like affect. Andrew had this gut injury reaction after his MMR shot at 2 +3/4.
2) It is difficult to learn under this opiate like affect which accounts for developemental delays.He lost eye contact and speech among other things.
3) The condition also sometimes results in OCD behavior. It did with Andrew.
4) In the case of learning/ develpmental delays. If you combine a special diet (to negate the opiate like affects) and ABA therapy (to force learning) you can help advance the childs development. Andrew had great results from his GF/CF diet and his ABA therapy.
5)This needs to be done at the onset of the gut condition. Andrew's treatment was delayed over a year and we can never get that development back.
6) The longer the delay the treatment the greater developmental delays.
7) If your friend was talking about OCD behavior: than one OCD behavior IS replaced by another.
8) Andrew's OCD behavior was "cured" by his GF/CF diet. Much of his past development could not be recovered but he was/is trained in lost developmental skills going forward.

Hope this was helpful. Don't hesitate to ask more questions. I am very happy to help!

Peace and Love ,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ADM GF/CF Diet Group

Dear brothers and sisters,

When Andrew Jr. started treatment at the age of four, the first thing I did was put him on a Gluten Free, Casein Free (GF/CF) diet. He had great results. He spoke again after a year of sounds and silence. He made eye contact where he didn't before. He had full restful nights of sleep where before he could only sleep 3 or 4 hours at a time. It was a wonderful miracle.

A group parents, with kids on the diet longer, helped us during that difficult time. I want to do that for others. I want to invite veteran diet group parents to gather together and help new families. We will help others like we were helped.

Parents not using the diet, please come check it out.
The info is listed below.

Peace and love,

*******This meeting is for parents (and caregivers) of kids on the GF/CF diet and/or related diets. It is also for anyone who is interested in learning more about special diets. Whole Foods in Winter Park and ADM are hosting. Free samples will be provided.

****ADM GF/CF Diet Group
Location: Whole Foods Market, Winter Park
Time: ‎11:00AM Saturday, May 21st